K Fellfarers - the outdoor club for people in south Cumbria

Gallery 2010 - January

©2007 Wizard Wheeze Promotions
Greater spotted woodpecker
Kendal wall

The traditional ATTT (All Terrain Toboggan Trial) at High House on New Years Eve again supplied lots of ingenuity and laughter, and the slide show on the right gives a bit of a flavour.

The Competitors gathered in the bar of The Scafell Hotel to celebrate afterwards, and from left to right thy are -
Rob (Guest Idiot), Graham (hiding behind Dean so that no-one can see he's smoking his pipe in a public place), Dean (front and seriously considering whether he wants to be part of a club like this), Kevin, Jason (proudly sporting his victor's garland and clutching his lad, George, who wants to see how much the trophy will fetch on Ebay), Richard, Colin (The Welsh Wizard), and Mark (surreptitiously hiding his pint).


The superb spell of cold weather whilst making traveling difficult made for some great days on the fells. Below left shows an igloo spotted on Arant Haw in the Howgills, whilst below right shows the view from Great Rigg looking towards Bowfell and Great Gable


On the right is a photo taken at sunset on Scout Scar.




Glencoe Meet
Graham, Sarah, Eve, Rod, Angie and Hugh

The annual weeknd at the Clachaig Inn in Glencoe was cold and snowy. Mel & Chris had to deal with a leaking radiator, leaving only six members staying in the nice warm chalets. Travelling up, a temperature of -14C was registered, and when we arrived one chalet had no water due to a frozen pipe. Surprisingly, there was more snow in Kendal than Glencoe.
Sat-Angie, Eve, Rod, and Hugh turned back from Beinn Sgulaird
Sarah and Graham went skiing on the Glencoe ski runs
A joint curry was enjoyed on Saturday night
Sun- Angie, Eve, Rod, and Hugh ticked off the Marilyn Glas Bheinn on Rannoch Moor.

The chalet with the setting sun on the Aonach Eagach behind
The chalets
Eve and Rod attempting Beinn Sgulaird
Eve & Rod on Beinn Sgulaird
Angie, Rod and Eve (+Sally) on Glas Bheinn
Angie, Rod, and Eve on Glas Bheinn
Rod, Angie, and Hugh on Glas Bheinn
Rod, Angie & Hugh on Glas Bheinn
Rannoch Moor
Looking from south (?) Glas Bheinn

Sarah on the Glencoe ski runs

Sarah taking it easy
Graham in reflective mood
Graham taking it easy
Glencoe ski station
The Glencoe ski runs

Blackrock Cottage with sunlight on Buchaille Etive Mor

Blackrock Cottage with Creise behind
The annual memorial walk for Brian (Charlie) Birkett took place on Saturday 16th January when 9 stalwarts gathered at Helsington church for a damp walk culinating at the place where Brian's ashes were scattered on Cunswick Scar.


By the middle of January, the snows began to melt away. The views below were taken by Hugh whilst walking the Codale Horseshoe with friends from Bassetlaw MC. The day started well with sunshine and low lying mist, but eventually clagged in completely.